The kids were going stir crazy, I wanted to work out, I was sick of being in the house & so I decided on a whim to take the kids hiking. I was nervous, a woman alone in the woods in unfamiliar territory with 3 kids & a dog??? To hiking pros & experts, it might seem like no big deal. But heading out like that for me was scary. I'm the type who assumes Ted Bundy is going to be hanging out around every corner, so this was definitely a new experience. Ha! Even though I grew up hiking, ... Read More about How To Start Hiking: JUST GO!
How I Meal Plan For My Family
Figuring out how to meal plan can feel so complicated & hard. Especially when you are learning new food habits & making big lifestyle changes. I personally needed a lot of help when I got started on my own health & wellness journey, so I became a lifetime member of the Tone It Up nutrition plan. This entire post is going to feel like a TIU fan girl post, but they run all kinds of fun fitness challenges throughout the year & there is usually a coordinating meal plan with 8 weeks ... Read More about How I Meal Plan For My Family
How In The Heck Do You Find Trails To Hike?
So you want to get outside but you have no idea where to go or how to choose the best trail for a hike??? My answer for you is the All Trails App. I use the free version & it has become an invaluable tool in helping me choose which hikes to go on with the kids. It stays updated really well, gives good directions & it has helped me plan all of my trails in advance. I have searched for trails by using my zip code to see what's near me, typed in a specific park I would like to visit, ... Read More about How In The Heck Do You Find Trails To Hike?
What’s In My Day Hiking Backpack?
It took me a couple of times hiking with the kids to figure out what I needed to put in my backpack, but this a comprehensive list of what I take & have collected over the last year. All of this will either fit in my carrier pockets with my youngest or I put them in an old bag I bought a long time ago. You don't need anything fancy or the latest item from the outdoor store. Just pull basic things you already have in your house for a successful day hiking trip! Fluids. I always make ... Read More about What’s In My Day Hiking Backpack?
January Recap of 2019 New Year’s Resolutions
Granted, I didn't have a blog 31 days ago to write about my New Year's Resolutions, I did write them down on Instagram. You can read them here in depth, but to summarize: To read a biography or an autobiography about each First Lady in the US. Fitness & Nutrition Goals- be gluten, dairy & soy free. Plus, refrain from sugar 90% of the time. Get in a gallon of water a day. Outdoor adventure with the kids. Making intentional time to go on more dates with Todd. Taking more ... Read More about January Recap of 2019 New Year’s Resolutions
Our Favorite Northwest Arkansas Day Hiking Trails
When getting the kids outside, sometimes it's hard to pick out where you should go. So here are 5 of our favorite trails in the Northwest Arkansas area. We have a list of other trails we haven't tried yet & we are ready to hike them. But so far, these are the ones we keep revisiting over & over again. Be sure to share you favorites in the comments & we will go exploring! 1. Park Springs Park I had been to the park with the kids a few times, but never knew there was a trail ... Read More about Our Favorite Northwest Arkansas Day Hiking Trails